Prospective students

High school students will have an opportunity to obtain in depth information on available courses, skills and opportunities offered by UniTN in the field of new technologies.
The guided tour will be repeated twice, starting at 10.00. and 11.00 am
The program will include:
10AM and 11AM- Room A108, Polo F.Ferrari
Moreover, for everybody:
2PM - Aula Magna (A101), Polo F.Ferrari
- Presentation of all the courses offered by University of Trento in the New Technology field
- Presentation of all the services offered by Opera Universitaria - scholarship, housing, canteen facilities - and by UniSport
Hall, Trento RISE
- Guided tour at the Demo Corner, a corner for innovations
Moreover, for everybody:
2PM - Aula Magna (A101), Polo F.Ferrari
- Open class - attend a real university lecture
- Presentation of Web Valley project - FBK
3PM - Aula Magna (A101), Polo F.Ferrari
- A stroll into the future: ICT to simplify your life, by Roberto Saracco