
- GoWar
During the ICT Days GoWar is putting out a challenge. Download our application and come to Trento where the battle will take place. Every player will accumulate points on a special ranking by conquering places around the event and by sharing the results of the battles on FB!
The contest will start on April 18 and will end on April 20 with a special award for the winner!
Are you ready? May the best man win!
Play the game »During the entire eventPovo and Trento Downtown
- Hackathon
Two days of programming to develop your ideas with the help of experts and the possibility to work on national and international issues. Registration form »18:00, 18 aprileAula A102, Polo F.Ferrari
- Era domani. Storie a 8 bit.
This exhibition retraces the history of personal computers from the end of the 70’s, bringing it to life through computers, documentary materials and advertisements of the time. Apple, Commodore, Atari and Sinclair, with their most significant products, bear witness to the evolution of technologies and the ideas that gave rise to today’s information society.During the entire eventLibrary, Polo F.Ferrari
- Innovation: my idea of the future
What is innovation? This exhibition will put on display photographs that try to give an answer to this question. They were collected during a photo contest titled “Innovation: my idea of the future”, promoted by ICT Days, together with the newspaper “Trentino”. Here we show the 20 finalists – selected by a jury of experts. You may vote for them online until April 18 (www.giornaletrentino.it).During the entire eventHall, Polo F.Ferrari
- The Ph.D. Movie - Jorge Cham
Comics become reality... Jorge Cham first movie, a live-action adaptation of his famous comic strip "Piled Higer and deeper".16:00, April 19Sala Stringa, FBK