
19 April

3S Project Srl
Development SW products PA and Private Industries; Risk analisys, Design, Production Phisical-logical security systems.
Offering: work and internship

ACS Data Systems SPA
ACS Data Systems provides, since 1983, comprehensive IT solutions to local enterprises, schools and universities. Develops in-house its software solutions as the SaaS enabled ERP suite Radix
Offering: work and internship

ALASCOM Services srl
Leader in telecommunications services, focused on Customer satisfaction and talent development engine of any business success
Offering: job
System Engineer MPLS, TE
System Engineer VoIP
Analisti Programmatori Java, J2EE, C/C++, Python

Alcatel-Lucent Italia S.p.A.
Expert, driven, intuitive, innovative, Alcatel-Lucent is the first truly global communications solutions provider, with the most complete end-to-end portfolio of solutions and services.
Offering: internship

Algorab has been in the ICT market for over 20 years. The company business is the development of remote control systems based on a strong expertise in the joint design of hardware and software
Offering: work and internship
1) Developer for mobile platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone)
2) Web developer (.NET)
3) Telecommunication engineer
4) Stage on open NMS Platform
5) Stage/Thesis on radar signal processing

Almaviva spa
Tratto distintivo di AlmavivA è la sua idea d’innovazione, portare ogni giorno soluzioni efficaci alle esigenze dei clienti. In Italia e all'estero.
Offering: work and internship
Programmatori java
Analisti programmatori

Anthesi Srl
Anthesi Srl, a privately owner company, operates in Information Technology since '95, specialized in services and technology for the public sector.
Offering: work and internship
Analisti Programmatori Java/J2ee, conoscenza J2EE, JSP / Servlet - SQL e delle logiche di disegno dei database relazionali, buona conoscenza XML, XHTML, XML, DOM, XSLT, CSS javascript/Ajax.

Arcoda s.r.l.
The major business of Arcoda is the development of software solution for the Automatic Vehicle Location based on Google ® Maps, Open Street Map, or company owner maps
Offering: work and internship
Analista, sviluppatore applicazioni mobile su piattaforma Android.

BV Tech
BV TECH and Engineering and ICT services group.
Our business includes:
- Engineering (design)
- Turnkey solutions
- Services
One of our branches is in Rovereto.
Offering: work and internship
Sviluppatore software:
- Ingegnere delle Telecomunicazioni
- Ingegnere Informatico
- Informatico

Business Process Engineering Srl
BPEng helps its customers regain control of their competitive know-how. XBPR® is a platform that empowers you to more effectively utilize your competitive know-how through semantic technologies.
Offering: job
Solid J2EE pattern, an in-depth knowledge of OWL/RDF are essential skills, but the predisposition to constant learning and the understanding of the interrelation between disciplines is essential too.

Business-e Trentino srl
Business-and Trentino is part of the Itway Group. The company is a competence center dedicated to the ICT security services .
Offering: work and internship
Network&System Administrator
E' richiesta la conoscenza delle tematiche relative a:
Bilanciatori e IPS Radware
Firewall Juniper
Apparati di networking Cisco, Brocade

CREATE-NET, headquartered in Trento, is an international research center recognized as one of Europe’s leading institutions in ICT and telecommunications technologies.
Offering: work and internship

Centro Ricerche FIAT
Centro Ricerche Fiat has the mission to develop and transfer innovative products, processes and methodologies in order to improve the competitiveness of the products of the Fiat Group.
Offering: internship

Clesius S.r.l.
Clesius deals with mathematical models, software and organizational solutions for the PA that support the selection of beneficiaries of welfare policies with equity and efficiency (ICEF and ISEE)
Offering: work and internship

Derga Consulting is SAP Partner, worldwide leader for business software solutions. Consultancy in the aim of business process optimization through SAP products implementation.
Offering: work and internship
Il consulente in Derga elabora soluzioni in team di lavoro, progetti e settori di mercato, sempre diversi. Opera in ambienti dinamici e di continuo accrescimento professionale, in Italia e all’estero.

DFLabs is a company specialized in Information Security Governance, Governance Risk and Compliance and Business Security. We support Information Security Strategies and Guarantee Business Security.
Offering: work and internship
Forniamo servizi informatici e Skill professionali di alta qualità alle piccole medie e grandi aziende Italiane e internazionali e alla P A.
Servizi: Consulenza. Assistenza. Outsourcing.
Offering: work and internship
Tecnico assistenza e supporto informatico
Conoscenza ambienti Microsoft/Linux
Disp. trasf. Italia/estero
Inglese buono
Offriamo: Ambiente giovane e dinamico. Formazione. Progetti innovativi

Dedagroup Spa
DEDAGROUP ICT Network offers software solutions, core competencies and market-oriented Financial Services, the Public and Business Administration.
Offering: work and internship
1. Sistemista
2. Programmatore
3. Addetto all'assistenza software

Deloitte Consulting spa
Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients with globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries.
Offering: work and internship
Deloitte è alla ricerca di giovani ad alto potenziale con competenze tecnologiche e gestionali da inserire nella nuova sede di Trento.

ECTRL SOLUTIONS is a company specialized in web and mobile technologies for eTourism. The company develops and markets Suggesto, a software platform for promoting tourism destinations.
Offering: work and internship

Engineering is a global player and Italy’s largest systems integration group and a leader in the provision of complete integrated services throughout the software value chain.
Offering: work and internship

Ericsson is a world-leading provider of telecommunications equipment and services to mobile and fixed network operators.
Offering: work and internship

FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
FBK - with more than 350 researchers - conducts studies in the areas of Information Technology, Materials and Microsystems, Italian-German Historical Institute, and Religious sciences.
Offering: work and internship

Factory Mind Società Cooperativa
Factory Mind is a young company formed by a team of engineers and young graduates of different nationalities with a common passion for IT and innovation on distributed sys. and mobile devices
Offering: work and internship
Cerchiamo giovani sviluppatori (neolaureati in informatica o professionisti con qualche anno di esperienza) per lavorare su progetti innovativi e tecnologie all'avanguardia in ambito .NET e mobile

GPI Group offers health and social solutions for home assistance and rehabilitation, contact centers and global services, Web tools, e-payment, Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse systems.
Offering: internship
Conoscenze richieste: linguaggio Java; UML, XML, HTML, SQL; programmazione web; JEE(JBOSS, EJB), Web Services, JUnit; e capacità di lavorare in team.

I&T Sistemi srl
I&T Sistemi,leader nei Servizi e nella Consulenza per lo sviluppo,assistenza e la gestione di sistemi informativi e infrastrutture IT,supporto per le PA,fornitura servizi IT Flessibili,Ricerca
Offering: work and internship
IT specialist in ambito Java , dot net ,oracle
IT Architect in ambito Java , dot net, oracle
Ricercatori senior e junior
Analisti Funzionali

IBM Italia
IBM’s mission is to be a partner in innovation, helping companies and institutions develop infrastructure, processes and new models of business...
Offering: work and internship

Informatica Trentina
Informatica Trentina provides overall solutions in the context of Information and Communication Technologies for the local public administrations.
Offering: work and internship

Interplay Software
Content Management Platforms, Portals (Alfresco, Liferay)
Multimedia web and mobile applications and social integration
Offering: work and internship
progettisti Java/ Web
progettisti Android/ IOS
progettisti giochi
siamo interessati a profili misti (informatica, mobile & social marketing, multimedia)

Medic4all Italia Srl / Medic4all [Israel] Ltd
Leading developer and provider of technology and telemedicine/telewellness services. Remote medical services using innovative biomedical technologies and modern telecommunication systems.
Offering: work and internship

Net Wise
Net Wise was founded in 1999 and became an S.r.l. in 2007. We are a company dealing with web design & developement, Mobile (iOS - Android) and communication.
Offering: work and internship
Mobile: sviluppatori iOS (Objective C), Android (Java)
WEB: Apache, mysql, postgresql, Drupal, PHP, Java, javascript (AJAX, jquery libraries)

OKKAM srl uses state-of-the-art semantic technologies for entity-centric data integration and Internet of Things solutions
Offering: work and internship
Java developer, big data manager, data analyst, web developer (PHP, Python), web interface developer (HTML5, JavaScript)

OpenContent Scarl
Opencontent combines the experience gained in the development of stable solutions for the media industry with the most innovative and experimental technologies, informed by research.
Offering: work and internship

Pensare I.T. s.r.l.
ICT Consulting
Business Process Management
B2C and B2B mobile solutions
Offering: work and internship
Mobile developer
Process Analyst
Business Process Developer

Poste Italiane
Poste Italiane is a leading company in many sectors: mail delivery, courier, logistic, financial, insurance & mobile communications, thanks to an ICT network platform among the most advanced in Italy.
Offering: work and internship

Praim Srl
Praim is a global vendor of Thin Clients, Enterprise Printing Solutions and Specialized Embedded Systems.
Offering: work and internship
Sviluppatori di sistemi embedded con conoscenza dei linguaggi di programmazione C e C++ negli ambienti Linux e Windows.
Sviluppatori di soluzioni di management in ambiente Java.

Reactive Search S.r.l.
Reactive Search is a company dedicated to realizing products and services in the field of learning and intelligent optimization, reactive business intelligence, data mining and visualization.
Offering: work and internship
We are looking for people with passion and creativity, committed to reaching top-quality results.

STMicroelectronics is one of the largest semiconductor company in the world, providing solutions that help our customers improve quality of life for everyone
Offering: work and internship
ST è alla ricerca di profili di ing. informatici, elettronici, meccatronici e dei materiali oltre che di informatici, fisici e matematici da inserire in diversi settori.

Sidera Software
Sidera spend particular attention on technology evolution. The company develops applications in administrative and in process control environment, in particular to manage web and mobile technologies.
Offering: internship
Sviluppatore Web (Java e .Net)
Sviluppatore applicazioni mobile (iOs, Android)

Spaziodati is a Big Data curation company. It leverages Semantic Web technologies to merge hundreds of different data sources. Data is then distributed to consumers via APIs and embeddable widgets.
Offering: work and internship

Telecom Italia
Telecom Italia offers infrastructures and technological platforms that allow voice and data to be transformed into advanced telecommunications services as well as leading-edge media and ICT solutions.
Offering: work and internship

Tretec S.r.l.
Electronic Design & Prototypation.
Embedded Systems & WSN.
Domotic & Automation.
Offering: work and internship
- conoscenza lingua inglese
- conoscenza programmazione C C++
- conoscenza strumenti e programmazione web + database
- interesse per sistemi embedded linux-based

Viatek realizza, sistemi di accesso, reti dati locali e geografiche, sistemi telefonici Voip, videosorveglianza. Servizi di accesso con fornitura di connettività rame, radio, fibra, servizi web.
Offering: work and internship

XPeppers is a web development company, focused on e-commerce that promotes the adoption of agile methodologies through a dedicated training offer.
Offering: work and internship
Software developer junior

erre 8 Corporation Soc. Coop.
Planning and installation
• Technological systems in security
• Technological systems in the field of telecommunications
Offering: work and internship
Ing. telecomunicazioni - Ing. Civili - Geometri - Periti Industriali

20 April

We project and produce laser cutting systems for the machining of tubes. The software required to program, control and drive our machines (CAD-CAM, ERP, CNC, PLC, HMI) is also internally developed.
Offering: job
Laurea tecnico scientifica, esperienze di programmazione in modellazione 3D, grafica, UI, IPC. Capacità di analisi e risoluzione problemi, senso pratico e attitudine al lavoro in team. Sede Levico.

Aldebra SpA
Aldebra is a ICT leading Systems Integrator dedicated to little and medium Italian firms. It provides solutions and services to improve their business and organization.
Offering: work and internship
Aldebra seleziona figure professionali da inserire in diversi ruoli strategici aziendali, dai consulenti applicativi e sistemistici ai funzionari commerciali.

Alema s.r.l.

Altran Italia
Altran Italia provides advanced engineering and innovation consultancy in:Automotive, Infrastructures & Transportation, Aerospace, Defense,Railway,Life Sciences, Financial Services,Telecoms&Media.
Offering: work and internship
Laureandi e laureandi (quinquennale) afferenti alle aree di Ingegneria, Scienze MFN, Economia con buona conoscenza della lingua inglese

Answer Srl
ANSWER SRL, search for, test and propose to the market the best of bread technologies in the Software field.
Offering: work and internship
Pre sales ITC

CDM Tecnoconsulting Spa
IT company specialized in Erp implementation in the manufacturing area.The compani also provide CRM, BI, CAD & PLM solutions
Offering: internship
Chinese and Italian graduate students in economics or engineering management. Afters the stage we offer an employement in our chinese branch.

Cluster informatica
Training in business education: courses in computer science, technical drawing, Team System training, management consulting and business services. Websites and hardware.
Offering: job
Siamo alla ricerca di docenti autocad in particolare autodesk e docenti di inglese. Richiesta disponibilità auto e a muoversi in tutto il Trentino

Cogito Srl
Cogito Srl develops semantic based solutions for the management of unstructured information in different languages. Its main expertise is based on natural language processing.
Offering: work and internship
Ricerchiamo sviluppatori con diversi livelli di seniority e conoscenza di C# e C++ e linguiste, preferibilmente con competenze di linguistica computazionale.

Besides traditional ICT sectors we deal with:Autonomous decision-making based on agent-systems with BDI logic, Cognitive factors Modeling, Artificial Intelligence for serious games.
Offering: work and internship

Punto vendita di Informatica e servizi; aula corsi e laboratorio di riparazioni e recupero dati, telefonia, Realizzazione e servizi web.Consulenza privacy
Offering: internship

EAI European Alliance for Innovation
EAI is an ICT driven INNO-SPHERE where the real and virtual converge to advocate economic and society development through grassroots matchmaking.
Offering: job

Engineering is a global player and Italy’s largest systems integration group and a leader in the provision of complete integrated services throughout the software value chain.
Offering: work and internship

Ericsson is a world-leading provider of telecommunications equipment and services to mobile and fixed network operators.
Offering: work and internship

FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
FBK - with more than 350 researchers - conducts studies in the areas of Information Technology, Materials and Microsystems, Italian-German Historical Institute, and Religious sciences.
Offering: work and internship

Fondazione GraphiTech
Graphitech is a research center which conducts research and development activities in the technology areas of computer graphics, mixed reality and large scale system visualization for geographic data
Offering: work and internship

Gisitalia provides design and development services of GIS solutions. The company offers the publication of geographic data in innovative ways, such as Google platform and Android OS.
Offering: work and internship
Programmatori in ambiente Java o .Net. Esperienza programmazione Web e conoscenza principali RDBMS. Gradite conoscenze di GIS, Remote Sensing, ed uso di piattaforme GIS professionali.

GPI Group offers health and social solutions for home assistance and rehabilitation, contact centers and global services, Web tools, e-payment, Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse systems.
Offering: internship
Conoscenze richieste: linguaggio Java; UML, XML, HTML, SQL; programmazione web; JEE(JBOSS, EJB), Web Services, JUnit; e capacità di lavorare in team.

Gruppo Industriale Tosoni
The GRUPPO INDUSTRIALE TOSONI (GIT) works at international level in the large-scale construction and railways sectors.
Offering: work and internship

H-Farm Ventures S.p.A
Costante è la selezione di Startuppers, ovvero persone che abbiano un idea o un progetto imprenditoriale già avviato in ambito digitale, mobile, new media in generale.
Offering: work and internship
_Sviluppatori Android, iOS, Ruby, Python
_Social media strategist, community manager
_web designers, web developers
_motion designers, video makers, digital storytellers

IBM Italia
IBM’s mission is to be a partner in innovation, helping companies and institutions develop infrastructure, processes and new models of business...
Offering: work and internship

IM Service Lab srl
IM Service Lab sviluppa prodotti in ambito interazione vocale uomo-macchina.Ha sviluppato un Framework "MIND" per creare rapidamente applicazioni,distribuite e scalabili,multimodali basate su standard
Offering: internship
buone competenze di programmazione in almeno uno dei seguenti linguaggi di programmazione C++/PHP/ Javascript /Ajax

Informatica Bancaria Trentina
Develop a complete banking software suite.
Offering: job
junior java programmer.

Informatica Trentina
Informatica Trentina provides overall solutions in the context of Information and Communication Technologies for the local public administrations.
Offering: work and internship

Just Funny Games s.r.l.
Mobile development, business or gaming oriented.
Offering: work and internship
Programmatori, preferibilmente con competenze di sviluppo in ambito mobile (iOs, Android), per lo sviluppo di applicativi/giochi.

Medic4all Italia Srl / Medic4all [Israel] Ltd
Leading developer and provider of technology and telemedicine/telewellness services. Remote medical services using innovative biomedical technologies and modern telecommunication systems.
Offering: work and internship

Poste Italiane
Poste Italiane is a leading company in many sectors: mail delivery, courier, logistic, financial, insurance & mobile communications, thanks to an ICT network platform among the most advanced in Italy.
Offering: work and internship

Reputeka is a website designed to give visibility to craft mans. Reputeka values their reputation independently thanks to an innovative algorithm
Offering: internship
Cerchiamo uno sviluppatore con conoscenze in ambiente .Net e ambito web in generale.
Cerchiamo un web designer,con esperienza in ambiente Adobe.
Richiesta capacità di lavorare in modo indipendente

SAP Labs France
SAP is the market leader in enterprise application software. SAP serves more than 183,000 customers, and has more than 54,000 employees and is present in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Offering: work and internship
SAP Labs France (division of SAP) is a research and development lab. It employs about 300 employees, Engineers focused on Research, Development and Technical support and PhD’s focused on Research

SAS Institute
SAS, leader nel settore del software e dei servizi di business analytics, è la più grande società a capitale privato nel mercato della business intelligence.
Offering: internship
SAS ricerca per la sede di Mestre:
Neolaureati in discipline informatiche
da inserire in tirocinio formativo e far crescere come SAS Consultant.

SAYservice srl
Spin-off of FBK, operating in the areas of Service Oriented Computing and Internet of Services. It offers innovative solutions for the integration of services and their "user-centric" fruition.
Offering: internship
SAYservice offre stage a studenti interessati a lavorare sulle tecnologie dell'Internet dei servizi e a cimentarsi con lo sviluppo di servizi di interesse per il territorio Trentino.

Telecom Italia
Telecom Italia offers infrastructures and technological platforms that allow voice and data to be transformed into advanced telecommunications services as well as leading-edge media and ICT solutions.
Offering: work and internship

Timber Tech srl
Timber Tech, start up of the University of Trento, develops software solutions for the design of timber structures.
Offering: work and internship

Develpoment and distribution of videogames
Offering: work and internship
Vari profili in ambito di programmazione e gestione database.

Value Team (NTT Data)
Value Team, is a NTT DATA society.
We provide premier professional services from consulting, system development to business IT outsourcing, anywhere around the world.
Offering: work and internship
Junior Consultant Tecnologico: attività di design, sviluppo ed implementazione
in progetti IT in ambito telecomunicazioni, media, finance e Retail

eTour Srl
We promote innovation helping people to manage the change, strengthen their skills and use the emerging technologies in order to communicate and to work better together.
Offering: internship
Humanity and technology
Participatory IT design

everis Italia
Multi-national IT & Management consulting company offering business development and strategy, technological applications maintenance and outsourcing solutions.We're more than 10.000 employees.
Offering: work and internship